Friday, February 3, 2012

The Cash Diet

So this year started out with a lot of good intentions. They always do, don't they? We decided to do a modified Dave Ramsey cash envelope approach to our finances and get our financial house in order, amongst other things. January 1st we began our "cash diet" taking out cash for everyday expenses and then putting into savings the things that come every few months. We started off great, until we hit the 15th of the month and were mostly blown through our grocery budget (there were some great stock-up sales and I'm a couponer) and then my husband's grandmother passed away. That meant a road trip to Ohio and lots of money spent on gas, lodging, food and clothing.

Unfortunately, we totally tanked our month.That's what happens when you don't have a financial cushion.  So February 1st, here we come ready to take on the challenge again.

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